Profit before tax has fallen by 46% for Australia Post as losses in the letter…
Search Results: service (3428)
IrisGuard has deployed its EyePay Cash mobile platform allowing refugees in Egypt to receive financial…
Poczta Polska (Polish Post) is embracing parcel lockers and PUDO delivery to improve its share…
DHL Express has taken delivery of its first Boeing 777F-200 Freighter of 2020, as it…
Companies that send parcels with Hermes can now add personalized videos to customers using Hermes…
Delivery company Hermes has launched Hermes Play, allowing senders to record and attach personal videos…
Revenue for Norway’s postal operator Posten Group increased by 1.3% to Nkr 24.2bn (US$2.6 bn)…
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Post Corporation (IPC) have signed a…
Ozhan Zurel, an economist at Saint-Louis University, Brussels, provides insights on in-car delivery based on…
Russian tech giant Yandex is delivering groceries to Moscow residents in just 15 minutes. How…