Yandex, a technology company that builds intelligent products and services powered by machine learning, has…
Search Results: post office (1072)
Mike Richmond, chief commercial officer at Doddle, looks at how instant click and collect could…
Deutsche Post DHL (DPDHL) seems set to sell its loss-making StreetScooter division. Why is DPDHL…
Electric vehicle manufacturer StreetScooter has revealed the next generation of its commercial Work and Work…
Walgreens and Wing Aviation LLC, a member of the Alphabet family of companies, are partnering…
In delivery, there’s a big opportunity to do things better. We’re obsessed by logistics, but…
Brisbane, Australia-based company e-Motion Concepts Pty Ltd (eMC) has announced it has received approval for…
China’s e-commerce sector is booming. Next-day and same-day delivery are the norm, and parcel lockers are…
UPS has introduced a new line of range-extended electric vehicles (REEVs) to its fleets serving…
Wayne Haubner, chief technology officer at Escher, outlines five technologies – mobile, social media, data…