Romanian Post has announced its plans to invest RON77.2m (US$18.5m) in two contracts to improve…
Search Results: post office (1075)
The USPS Office of Inspector General’s Pushing the Envelope weekly blog takes a look at the top postal sector stories in 2015 and how the events shaped the industry
Australia Post has changed its letters service to offer a choice of Priority and Regular…
Claire Borsenberger, senior researcher, and Emmanuel Vivet, deputy director, international affairs, Le Groupe La Poste, examine the big data market and the role posts can play in providing secure services for customers
Singapore Post (SingPost) has unveiled its new organizational structure following a number of recent business…
In his white paper, ‘Competition and cooperation in the cross-border e-commerce ecosystem’, Tom Forbes draws similarities between Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and how postal operators have adapted thus far to the rise in e-commerce and challenges of cross-border deliveries.
PostNord has signed a group-wide framework agreement in IT with Capgemini, Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Tata…
Left: Ahmed Fahour, director and group CEO of Australia PostAustralia Post has announced that it will…
Citizens Advice, a UK charity that offers free advice on financial, legal and consumer issues,…
Post-Expo 2015 saw record numbers of international visitors pass through the doors of the Porte…