Although the impending privatisation of the UK’s Royal Mail has been openly discussed for some time, it did come as a surprise to some in the sector to hear the true extent of their financial difficulties. Surely this is going to deter would-be investors unless the organisation has a clear strategy to present outlining how it intends to become more profitable?
Search Results: innovation (886)
Automation Technology of the Year: WebCoding from Prime Vision/TNT Shore Postal automation involves widely diverse…
Postal services play a key role in many countries, providing access to basic communication and transaction services. Public postal operators are among the largest employers and most trusted retail network operators in each country, generating hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue.
Automation Technology of the Year: Visicon Singulator from Siemens Today’s version of the Siemens Visicon…
There has been a lot of discussion recently regarding the future of the postal industry and the need for traditional services to adapt in order to remain sustainable. This discussion has not always taken into account that while technology has been a major challenge to the industry it has also helped provide the solutions. David Picton explains more
Ever since the government announced a review of the UK postal services market in December 2007 there has been an underlying element of uncertainty within the mail market. Some of that was removed when Richard Hooper published his long awaited report: Modernise or decline: policies to maintain the universal postal service in the United Kingdom, on 16 December 2008.