Postal companies from six Pacific nations attended the first South Pacific Postal Business forum entitled…
Search Results: Australia Post (353)
Prime Vision, a provider of postal IT and automation solutions, has launched a new strategy…
France’s La Poste has had a busy year. Much of that has been spent transforming…
Numerous new product launches and innovation showcases Over 3,000 attendees throughout the three-day eventPost…
Toshiba Corporation is showcasing its integrated solutions for postal and logistics operations, and its robotic…
Ian Kerr, founder of the Postal Hub Podcast, looks at five areas of the e-commerce market where posts can generate revenues aside from deliveries
Claire Borsenberger, senior researcher, and Emmanuel Vivet, deputy director, international affairs, Le Groupe La Poste, examine the big data market and the role posts can play in providing secure services for customers
Singapore Post (SingPost) has unveiled its new organizational structure following a number of recent business…
In his white paper, ‘Competition and cooperation in the cross-border e-commerce ecosystem’, Tom Forbes draws similarities between Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and how postal operators have adapted thus far to the rise in e-commerce and challenges of cross-border deliveries.
Singapore Post (SingPost) has entered into a US$15.8m agreement to acquire a 71% stake in…