Maxim Integrated says that its software-configurable digital IO products have helped enable a 50% size reduction in the microScan3 Core I/O lidar-based safety laser scanner from manufacturer Sick, making it ideal for applications such as warehouse AGVs.
Maxim and Sick say their designers worked side by side to optimize the new scanner design, replacing several discrete components with a combination of a software-configurable digital IO and a parasitic powered digital input. Thanks to the integration of other Maxim ICs, a reduction in size compared with previous microScan versions was achieved, with the new unit having an overall height of just 8cm.
Due to the size reduction, the nanoScan3 is now claimed to have enhanced versatility and mounting flexibility on various autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs), mobile platforms and robots, allowing them to navigate safely within space-constrained areas of warehouses and storage facilities.
“The new nanoScan3 with its ultra-compact profile can now be used under transporting pallets to safely carry payloads that would not have been possible before,” said Christian Matt, a development engineer at Sick. “By reducing the size to 106.6mm in length, 117.5mm in width and 80mm in height, the nanoScan3 is opening new potential applications where space is highly critical. Working with Maxim’s team to redesign our sensors with digital IO technology was beneficial for our company in helping us achieve our goals.”