Prime Vision has released a new technical video to demonstrate the company’s autonomous sorting concept so that potential customers can see its potential to enhance their operation.
Introduced by Prime Vision’s innovation director, Bernd van Dijk, this short video gives the viewer a comprehensive overview of the developing system that is fast, accurate, supremely flexible and easily scalable, with limited capital expenditure.
Based on mobile robots making autonomous sorting decisions for parcels, the Prime Vision system can be implemented in a matter of days and is both software and hardware independent. Operation is simple – the parcel is manually scanned and put onto a mobile robot, which determines the destination. Once there, it ejects the parcel onto a roller conveyor for manual unloading.
The scope of the technology is much greater than the basic video demonstration. It could include, for example, mobile robot arms for loading and unloading or the integration of a bag-dropping system. OCR, weighing and dimensioning can also be included and scaling-up simply requires the addition of more robots and extension of the network.
At the end of the video, Bernd van Dijk confirms that the first Prime Vision autonomous sorting system, with 40 robots, will be operational in a matter of months and that further pilot projects are ongoing. He concludes with an invitation to Delft to see the system working and to explore its possibilities.
Click here to see the video.